

Your Facebook profile is not your "website"!

  • 3
    Dam I forgot about that, now I can fill in that form with useless less garbage
  • 0
    Well. Some people don't have a website. What about them?
  • 1
    @AndiLeni They should stop calling their Facebook profile "website" or "homepage"
  • 5
    @TangChr I know many local stores in my hometown who don't have a website. They just give their facebook link as a website to you. In my opinion a website is used to provide information about something. And some stores/people use facebook to provide their information.
  • 2
    @AndiLeni I stand by my statement. I'm not talking about how people use their Facebook profile (or page). I'm simply stating that it is not a website. Facebook is a website, but profiles and pages are not.
  • 1
    @TangChr yeah. I totally agree with you. I thought that the original rant was complaining about the way some people use facebook
  • 3
    @TangChr I agree with @AndiLeni though from my misinterpretation of his argument. That technically it's not, if it can serve all the purposes that they require and would use on a real website, it's just as good I guess
  • 1
    @TangChr Isn't that point moot though, considering the fact that we're given the website field solely to help give each other some reference on our backgrounds. That is to say, what's the point of making the argument if it's purpose is null?
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