
This was at my first internship (was fired later for other bs reasons).

They got me as a programming intern but very soon I felt very conflicted with multiple things:

1. Got to google translate their internal CRM into five languages. After two weeks (the estimate I gave them) I discovered that I overlooked the second half, apologized and got a whole shitstorm at my face.
2. Was only allowed to use Internet Explorer for everything *cry face*.
3. Saw multiple security flaws in their main product, told my boss (also my internship manager) about it because hey, I'm security oriented and it might help them. Next day he called me into his office and I got a huge speech about who the fuck I am to criticize their product and that I was a security wannabee who doesn't know shit.
4. Boss came home after a product presentation went sideways. The interns didn't have anything to do with that but he called (or, yelled big time) us every dirty word he could think of and blamed us.

Luckily I was fired after like five weeks. I literally cried of happiness when I walked home. I was too shy to stand up for myself by that time (even only 2-3 years ago)

  • 12
    I'm amazed how you held it all in, instead of burning the place to the ground (either literally or thanks to the security flaws)
  • 13
    Please tell me you left a crawler or a backdoor there
  • 1
    @Paralax @RazorSh4rk I didn't leave anything but I still know those security flaws.... :I

    And yeah it was a day to day struggle/fight πŸ˜₯
  • 2
    @linuxxx Hope you find/found something better
  • 4
    @Paralax Yeah I'm at an awesome internship atm. Nearly crying by the thought of it being over within two weeks 😭
  • 1
    Similar thing happened to me once. I pointed out their security flaw and whatnot as feedback aaaand the boss didn't take it well. I thought I was being helpful too. To the boss's eyes I was crossing boundary. Lesson well learned.
  • 1
    @popcorn In my case it's not a lesson learned haha. Pointed out a potential flaw in an application at my current internship and they asked me to exploit it and think about a possible fix!
  • 0
    Sounds like a great place to work! @linuxxx
  • 1
    @popcorn Yes it is! Welcome to devRant by the way! πŸ˜„
  • 1
    Man this just made me feel bad for you. I have to do an internship next year (in the 3rd grade of my course, in between semesters, we have to do an internship) and I'm honestly TERRIFIED about it. I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up big time 😣
  • 1
    Yeah it was terrible :(. At least I'm in a very good place right now and even get to guide another intern!! But it's going to be over in the end of next week πŸ˜₯. I hope your internship is going to be awesome though! What's your age if I may ask?
  • 1
    @linuxxx Well that's good to hear :)
    19. Yeah I hope so too but I am so scared honestly D: not to mention my social anxiety is probably making it worse than it will actually be
  • 1
    Have you got any tips on finding the kind of internship you're having now? Any thing you've noticed in the hiring process etc? I really wanna save my time by avoiding the bad ones...
  • 1
    @popcorn Tbh, I was part of a pilot program where my study sent a few students to this company to do one of their projects (with guidance and everything). Then, in the last week at Monday I walked in (needed to find an internship within one week) and the student guided came to me, shook my hand and said: congrats on your internship!
    I never even asked!
    Show and be fair about your abilities and next to that, try to look for a company where you feel at home!
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