
How do you guys feel about Dartlang?

  • 0
    Haven't tried it... but heared it is as easy as python and might replace java in android native applications
  • 1
    It was a good idea but i feel I tried to be a better Java instead of a better JavaScript (what the project claimed to be it's goal). I played around with it but I didn't found any feature that made it worth investing more into it
  • 1
    I like the dart logo. 😆
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    Not going to happen in my opinion. Java to dart is nothing like obj-c to Swift. What I mean by that is it wasn't necessary.
  • 0
    @JavaRules it's nothing alike indeed. I'm not sure why you even compare the two?
  • 0
    Love Dart. Love Flutter. Tooling is amazing in Atom.
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