
Which Web-Framework is better, or which Framework will dominate the market in the future?
Angular2, React?

  • 2
    Use the devRant search functionality. This question (and similar ones) has been asked many times before.

    Though, I don't know how accurate the search thing is.. Never tried it. :P
  • 0
    this is a question that i would ask an good fortune teller.
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    Great, thanks :)
  • 3
    Which is better, Java or JavaScript? ;)
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    @JavaRules Python!! 😀
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    React has a bad licence+patent, which would scare off a few people who don't want to worry about legal issues.

    So I would say anything else which is less intrusive would be the winner. React is easy, fun and productive, but their are better licensed and fun things out there. Like elm, vue, angular...
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