
My setup! You can see my cable "management" at the bottom... Here is a list of everything:
Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi 1*
Raspberry Pi 3
Lenovo IdeaPad 14isk with i5 6200U @ 2.6 GHz, 1TB SSD, 1TB HDD and 8GB RAM
HP wireless laser comfort mouse^
Some random blue Fellowes mouse mat*
Viglen EZ9920 keyboard*
HP LaserJet P1102w printer*°
Some IKEA lamp^, desk and chair°
Logitech RX250 mouse*
IntoCircuit Power Bank^
Logitech Z123 2.1 speakers^
Acer S220HQL monitor (1080p)
Kindle Fire HD 3rd Gen
SanDisk ImageMate AIO card reader
Some rubber ducks x2°
Items marked ° are not visible in the photo
Items marked ^ were literally the cheapest I could find
Items marked * were second-hand

  • 5
    How can you live with only 1 monitor??? I use 3 (2 for the main machine) and 1 extra for my barebone (media player, music n stuff) i could never live again with only 1 monitor on the Main pc.
  • 1
    @Salmakis I use only one :p but now I've grown a custom to have my laptop connected to a 2nd screen and using a kvm to control it with the same mouse and keyboard. I guess you could say I technically have three lol
  • 0
    @nik123 yup. But I have never, ever regretted that investment. @Salmakis @ScribeOfGoD Normally I use my laptop's screen as well so I do have 2 monitors.
  • 1
    @Photon156 no it's Google
  • 1
    I also thought it was a light theme, you were starting to scary me! 😂

    Out of curiosity, what do you do with all those rPi? I have a 1 Model B (the 2nd revision with more RAM) but I really don't know what to do with it.
  • 1
    @milkbytes pi zero mainly for various electronic testing, 1 as a mail server, 3 as a... Idk tbh
  • 0
    @retnikt I wanted to do something wi mine but I have a QNAP NAS so using it as a server is kinda pointless. Maybe I will do a smart mirror ou something of sorts
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