Welp, just found the first horrifying innacuracy in Silicon Valley... Richard prefers tabs over spaces. That cant possibly be a thing, right? Right!!?

  • 2
    Yeah lol I was thinking the same thing.
  • 16
    oh shit, it starts:

    I was explaining to my girlfriend how this is a real argument, and how Richard is right to prefer tabs.

    Yeah, I'm a tab guy. I'll wait for the -1s. :-p
  • 1
    @lreading Just please don't try to jump 8 stairs at once on your way out it's insanity! Every time I see a close brace indented way too far i will think of you and your fellow noble (albeit misguided) tab warriors. :)
  • 0
    @mclark1129 Ha! I fall down stairs without jumping 8 at a time!

    I like having the ability to configure how far tabs go... spaces are too restrictive!
  • 1
    Who needs spaces?
  • 0
    Ironically, that was typed with spaces
  • 0
    @g-m-f tell Google to implement that on the Google Keyboard 😒
  • 2
    @g-m-f why do anything manually? My IDE does all the formatting for me ;) (p.s. I'm a spaces guy)
  • 5
    @g-m-f I should clarify, I still use the Tab key, but i just convert to spaces. Its all about what character gets stored in the source, tabs might look different in every editor.

    I'd never use the spacebar for indenting, I'm not a sociopath! :)
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