
For those of you iOS Swift developers, how long did it take to learn and have a decent app with database functionality, coming from a different programming language background?

  • 2
    About a week 🙂
  • 3
    I haven't. iOS doesn't let you
  • 0
    @kxdan oooh snap
  • 1
    It has less to do with Swift and more with the iOS environment. Learning all its libraries is the hard part actually. Swift itself is pretty quick to get comfortable with.
  • 1
    Also about 2 months or so
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    Half year tbh..
  • 5
    A week, maybe a bit less. I bought a course on Udemy (look for "Rob Perceival") and made it about 15-20% in by the time I felt comfortable enough to try it on my own. The majority of what I didn't know, I googled for and found quick tutorials online or SO snippets.

    Been doing it for a little over 18 months now (since Swift was announced), and still find it just as enjoyable as the first day.
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    Side note: I'd already had ~7 years experience building web apps, APIs, etc. and had a solid understanding of programming in general, so it's not hard for me to pick up new languages. YMMV.
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