Hey guys remember when gitlab was something blah blah? Now lets talk about cloudflare for a week!

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    Should i be concerned?
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    @HoloDreamer if you're affected then yes
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    @ScribeOfGoD sorry, i tired to dig into what the hack was about. How do i know if I'm affected?..
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    @KnightsOfCode damn, digital ocean is affected
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    After reading the official very detailed statement and analysis I can say that chances anyone in particular is affected by this are incredibly small. With that said, if you were affected it could have been literally anything from your digital life - passwords, private messages, your code, ... Anything.
    The rub is that there was no way to get specific data and even getting any data would have been difficult so it doesn't seem likely someone kept mining random bits of data until they got something good which could potentially take a long time as the percentage of data that is sensitive is likely to be relatively small.
    So at the same time this could have terrible consequences, but it's very unlikely you were affected by it...
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    @Bikonja tldr change password and enable 2fa

    that's it. damn simple, right?
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    @CozyPlanes nope, because potentially what was leaked was your phone number, your credit card number, your whatever else so changing your passwords on every single thing ever is a good step, enabling 2fa is probably a good step but depending on the implementation of 2fa on the particular place it could actually be bad and then there's stuff like credit cards which you should change. And also there's stuff that you realistically can't change like your home address in case that's important to keep private for you...
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    @Bikonja are you trolling or being fuckin serious

    I don't understand your point
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    @CozyPlanes serious, the unfortunate situation is that anything could have been exposed by this, but it's very unlikely that it was.
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