
What was the stangest thing what you saw in other's code when you reviewed it?

I never reviewed a simple code, so I am curios 😮

  • 3
    This is a recent one:
    A method called "GetRulesList" that creates a list of Rule, add objects one by one and returns that list converted to array because that was the return type. Then, te result of the call to this method was again converted to a list because the other class had a private variable of type list and in the end, the final insult: The only use for that was to espose it as ...? An array, thus another conversion.
  • 7
    Had a co-worker with a problem, he did not get the result he expected. Looked over the problem and found 1=2😑
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    @lydeking Some weeks ago, I did some similar mistake, I made one If branch which was always true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Pervious dev set up some keyframes on a site, but for some reason he purposely made it loop infinitely on safari...
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    Was going to do a quick review until I found the guy was using a FUCKING BRIGHT LIGHT THEME
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    In try catch block. The catch block had system out. "if you see this statement call me on xxxxxx (phone number of dev", and this code is on production.

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    Instead of loading a relevant dataset from the database once, the developer was querying the database for every field, every time the method interacted with it.

    What should have been one call for 200k records ended up as 50+ calls for 200k records for every one of 300+ users.

    The whole production application server was locked.
  • 2
    In required programming labs when i was getting my bachelor's, we weren't always allowed to leave early if we finished early.

    So, every single comment became a haiku. The TA and I were not friends.
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