Boss: "do you have a minute?"
Me: "sure"
Boss: "I have this problem, can you just stop doing whatever you are doing and fix it for me?"
Me internally: *no I don't, what I'm doing right now is fixing another one of your problems for which you've interrupted other work already"
Me: "Yeah sure, gimme some time"

Can't afford to fail my internship and I don't want a shitty work environment which I why I don't speak my mind...
But man this is tiring...

  • 1
    @moshmage if only, his problems are always "super top mega Uber most important priority" which makes doing that kinda hard... Believe me, I care, love working with the other bosses but this is just too much
  • 0
    Read the "Saying no" chapter from the excellent Clean Coder book, this will give you good examples how to say no in these situations.
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