
Ich need some help with Linux.
Ich want to switch from windows 7 to Linux. But want a "Windows desktop like" environment and I'm not so experienced with linux jet (just the basics). Can you help?

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    Ubuntu is simple to pick up, and used mostly by people coming from Linux.
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    Linux Mint on KDE or Cinnamon is a great choice for beginner, the appearance is similar to Windows
    ElementaryOS if you would prefer OSX appearance
    P.S. why do you say "ich"? German?)))
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    I think it's not the desktop environment that's the issue with switching to Linux, it's all the software you're used to.
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    @Artemix your evidence?
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    Damn autocorrect. All the time.
    Yes, greetings Form germany
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    @Niss "You can put a man out of Germany, but can't put Germany out of him"))) autocorrect corrects you well))
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    @Niss get a keyboard that autocorects German and English ^^ GBoard serves me well with that...I can write German and English without having to switch languages
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    Either English or German, not both xD
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    Got Linux Mint with cinnamon. Looks good so far
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    @Niss If you are into Material Design try out the adapta-gtk theme :)
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    @Niss how does it feel to join the Unity of Linuxers? )))
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    I started after a OS workshop at our university. Feels better with linux. Tried Zorin but Mint is better for me :)
    And damn I'm not even miss Windows once since
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    @Niss after using Linux Windows becomes too uncomfortable)
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