
Am I the only one who thinks that with all the scripting languages starting programming becomes to easy and so learning really good programming is getting nearly impossible because every tutorial is made for total n00bs and every forum is full of: hey my hello world programs isn't working?

Ps:I have no problem with people starting programming with languages like c# and python, I think just there are too many people saying that they are programmers just because they wrote hello world.

Pps: sry 4 my English.

  • 1
    Interesting thought. The euphoria of coding comes from doing something good another by just googling for answer (or part of answers) to JUST achieve solutions.
  • 7
    I'm one of those people who has finished those "beginner tutorials" and had the same problem finding higher level courses, but I still refuse to call myself a programmer for the reasons you listed.
  • 2
    My friend wants to get in a robotics class and wanted me to teach her a language. I showed her a few lines of JavaScript. She said "this is hard." I stopped right there. Tommorow, she's starting NASM. Think like a processor. That's how good programmers think.
  • 0
    Try clojure for the brave and true online book
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