Any good ideas on using raspberry pi in the house?

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    So many possibles applications.
    Iot, camera, media center, robotic, ...
    I use it to feed my fish and as an IP camera with realtime access.
    Browse google with "diy raspberry project". Have fun with you Pi!
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    Actually I'm planning to get one :-)
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    RetroPie. Console emulation "mediacenter", compatible with all your controllers. Basically what inspired the NES mini
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    Write some python scripts and ssh into it to execute them, like taing a picture or something. Very easy, and you dont need to hook the pi up to anything but power and wifi. No socket scripting needed either!
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    Here is how I use:
    1. Media Server
    2. Private git server (gogs)
    3. File Server SMB (External HDD)
    4. Custom Scripts to automate stuff like sending news articles to my Kindle
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    home automation
    Like use of sensors to automate the pattern of the lights in your house light up may be flowing or disco or like clap switch or a wave of hand.
    Wow I'm actually thinking of doing it now when o mention it myself.... will need to start ASAP
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    I'm thinking how can I make it open the door!
    No need to carry a key chain anymore, right?
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    @mk3d liked that fish feeding 👍🏽
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    You could use it for Alexa or a webserver
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    Is it safe to keep it on for like server use?
    It's board seems fragile, can out survive being up all the time?
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    @tinybyte absolutely. Kept two of mine on for months at the time.
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    @rsrj curious as to how you do the Kindle trick. Right now I use a combination of IFTTT, Pocket and p2k.co. It works but I'm sure there's an easier way.
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    @tild3 It"s basically kind of a hack. I basically figured out the HTTP requests that the news app sends. So, I send those requests, get news, format it, convert to mobi and send it to kindle account by a script.
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