
It's 1:00( 1 am) here now...I wanted to get some coding done since 20:00(8 pm for the weird people ;P)
Got distracted by Dev rant all the time -.- and didn't write a single line of code...fml

  • 2
    AM/PM isn't difficult, if you have a brain :p
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD hehe true but it's unnecessary imho...24 Hour system is way better
  • 1
    @SHA-256 just as I feel a 24 hour one is not needed. Everyone is in a different time zone, so trying to get one that works for everyone is definitely not gonna happen
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD Why timezones ? They don't have anything to do with the 24 Hour system
  • 1
    @SHA-256 because it still the same concept. 1300 or 1pm is different for say someone in the UK and in the US. Am is morning, pm is afternoon. Not really hard lol. I just know 24 hour time because of my military service. For civilians though am/pm is more than adequate imho
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