
What the hell is wrong with the browser on iOS....
For Christ sakes almost no input attributes work. I have a Sign Up feature that validates passwords with a pattern attribute; doesn't work, required attribute; doesn't work, input type number; doesn't work.
What the fuck is wrong with this thing. Even Internet Explorer knows what those attributes means. Absolute joke now i need to implement it manually. Fuck off apple.

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    Um... sounds like you might be getting your validation and your field types mixed up. HTML5 input types give you funky keyboards (and maybe toggle auto correct) on mobile devices. Your validation library will check whether the values given by the user are right according to your rules.
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    @CrankyOldDev works fine on Android. iOS doesn't change to a num keyboard for <input type="number">
    Tested on all major browsers (including mobile OS's Android and iOS)and all worked but iOS. it's just that iOS on either chrome or Safari doesn't seem to recognize the attributes. If you set a number input to max="5" iOS doesn't stop you from putting in over 5, as well you can submit forms with blank required inputs. the pattern attribute for input type password doesn't validate either.
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    Apple can't make browsers worth a damn. I once made a website which looked right on all other browsers, also on Android, but in Safari on iOS the footer didn't show because the browser doesn't understand the concept of margin...
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    @CrankyOldDev This is the exact line i am using for my Password field
    <input type="password" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}" name="psswd" class="form-control" maxlength="30" placeholder="Password" title="Password must be 8 characters long, contain an Upper-case, Lower-case and Special Character" required>, iOS doesnt recognize any of the attributes
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    Also gotta mention that it applies its own styling over select tags even though I am using my own. Seriously annoying
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    Yep had similar issues with fields on iOS. It was a headache to get things working. There some is libraries for validation, can't remember what I ended up using though.
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    @iDanoo seriously tho why are these basic features not just built in
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    @johnDoe I have no idea. It's retarded. Considering we had to build a web app primarily for iPad support.. :(
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    @iDanoo just brutal. Thankfully my project isn't primarily mobile. Of course I used bootstraps rows/columns to make it scalable, but still... How the hell is this not built into iOS' browser ... They even took the time to for their own redesign of select tags, yet couldn't even built in basic input attributes
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    Baking your browser into your OS so that updating one without the other is not possible is particularly stoopid. The un-overrideable styling is also a pain.

    Also Chrome = Safari on iOS. With some extra on top. Apple don't allow you to override the Safari rendering engine.
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    @CrankyOldDev Ya I knew that Chrome on iOS is basically a remapped safari. What a pain considering Safari isn't all to great
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