About devRant

devRant is a fun community for developers to share and bond over their successes and frustrations with code, tech, and life as a programmer. devRant is built by just one developer (devRant: @dfox Twitter: @dfoxinator) and one designer (devRant: @trogus Twitter: @tim_rogus) working on this project nights and weekends.

Contact Us

Need help? Have an idea or bug report? Want to tell us what you enjoy about devRant? Email us at info@devrant.io or follow us on Twitter: @devRantApp

Our Stack (more extensive list coming soon!)

Fast, scalable, and never the source of issues

Flexibility to create features quickly, and efficiently query social data

Use JavaScript to write native iOS/Android apps

Extremely reliable/flexible hosting at good prices

Very efficient, great functionality for request limiting

For scalable search functionality

Allows us to send traffic to our DB servers with failovers

Log analyzer for monitoring and interaction analytics

Powerful uptime monitoring tool

Server metrics and APM/debugging

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