This isn't so much of a rant, but it is about interviews.

I have interviews in the coming weeks for internships/work experience with local game studios and software companies

Does anybody have any tips for a newbie to working in the industry. What I should expect from the interview what they might be looking for and so on.


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    I ran some internship interviews recently. My conclusion is that if you can code reasonably well in a language and know the standard library for that language you're off to a pretty good start. The competition isn't that steep.
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    But good luck and welcome to devRant!
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    @alwaysmpe nice, do you have any idea what kind of stuff an intern would be expected to do. I have looked into it a bit but not enough.
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    And thanks
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    Depends on the company, we take an intern on each year to investigate an area of research that's not a business priority but may represent value in future. Last year our intern ported some algorithm improvements from one system to another and worked to set up an automatic testing framework for some of our ui applications.

    Whatever you're doing it won't be high priority or high pressure and they should be accepting that you don't have the same knowledge as a permanent hire.
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    @alwaysmpe thanks a lot for the help
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