
I have a serious bone to pick with internal software that is made "to work" but neglects a user-friendly UI. Damn tired of 1990s looking software that was developed in the 2010s. Internal employees deserve a great looking and intuitive user interface.

  • 0
    Excellent points
  • 1
    U are right... But sometimes a cool ui don't work on all browsers and some of these dinosaurs don't want to upgrade
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    In some instances it can be easier as the company may dictate the browser the employees must use. I have encountered that in huge enterprises.
  • 2
    I feel like I'm constantly fighting this battle and I'm a back end dev. Do they not realize how many man months of work they'll save if they cut out bad UIs and crufty tools that require the end user to jump through hoops and introduce bad data through fat fingering? Just because "they're used to it" doesn't mean it should keep being ignored.
  • 2
    We have an internal system that is maintained by a third party, it's an sql database with access front end #sickface
  • 2
    I agree. But priorities. If you can't afford to spend more than a few week on a tool you sometimes gotta choose between a functional back end and a pretty front end with no features. I've seen companies develop modern UI:s for tools that lacked the backed stability and features, so no one used em.
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