Haven't been on here in a while, but I had to rant about these security questions. I couldn't come up with legit answers for any of the very few options; most of which required you to be married....

  • 3
    I usually just pick one at random and write something random as well and write it down somewhere so I won't forget when I need it, or store in a secure notes thingy.

    Something along the lines of: The name of your youngest child?
  • 2
    To be honest, my answers are same as question.
    Q: What is your child's age?
    A: What is your child's age?
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    @wesaka Yeah, that was my strategy. I stored them in my password manager. Gotta love how they implement stuff like this w/out adding something useful like 2FA.
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    @CozyPlanes what did you say your email address is?
  • 1
    @PRein why? And who are you?
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