Got a test in C++, two questions, two hours for an internship. Any advice, what should I expect?

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    Welcome to dev rant!
    well... c++ questions could be about strings and pointers, memory leaks, and data structure like trees, linked lists, and graphs. learn a bit on each.
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    Know C
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    Know your std library, personally I am an ass hole of a recruiter and would ask you to code a lisp interpreter or a rasterization software. But I guess you should expect :
    Thread pools, Red Black tree, linked lists that loop, correcting a code with a command line debugger
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    Smart pointers are worth knowing, as well as the difference between heap and stack
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    @QCat they approached me so I assume it's more a formality. Also, it's an internship after a year at University so I would assume it'll just be to test my understanding of C++ and not cs in general.
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    @BradSharp so expect to be ask:
    What is the difference between the heap and the stack
    What container would you use in *some situation*
    What are the phases of C++ compilation
    How would you make your own templated linked list
    How would you make your own Complex number class with addition and multiplication overloading
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