Wanting to get into reactjs but no idea where to start, I'm coming from straight php/html/css and JavaScript.

Any ideas where to start, articles to read / examples to play with or check out?

  • 0
    @53414a414e thank you! I'll check it out, also debating about angular / vue too
  • 1
    Yoy could take a look here:
  • 1
    Join FreeCodeCamp
  • 1
    Thanks all! I'll definitely be keeping myself busy the rest of this week
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    Meteor will help with a lot of the leg work. But definitely recommend you build your own stack to get an idea of how to do it from the ground up.

    You have me on WhatsApp if you have any questions I'm happy to answer.
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    @Hedgepig that's true, I'll probably be messaging you for help on things soon, cheers Matt!
  • 3
    I got a ReactJs Dev position after following ReactJS and React Native tuto. Might be good at selling myself. :D
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