I created a Clinic Wait Time app that shows patients their estimated wait time. These are displayed on TVs at all of our clinics!

  • 4
    Now they know the worst provider 😂
  • 3
    Wish my doctor had your app!
  • 1
    Great work. Sort of cool stuff dev ranters appreciate :)
  • 0
    I'm kinda curious about how you compensate for all possible variables if wait time
  • 1
    urgent wait 1 hour...

    so..urgent isnt really urgent eh?
  • 1
    @oldtimer91 Thank you! I know this place gets it. 😉
  • 1
    @tisaconundrum It was quite a pain developing the time estimating algorithm since there ARE so many variables involved. Though it is mostly accurate(96% accuracy! 😎), there can be times the algorithm is off. With this in mind, and at the business user's request, I created a backdoor that only Senior Practice Managers can access to override the wait times.
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