  • 17
    ability to have a boyfriend pls
  • 8
    @rula well, hello there.
  • 5
    Ability to have a girlfriend who is rich and gives me sex everyday in her own apartment because my room looks and smells shit.
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    @jAsE let the man dream!
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    Hi there @rula ;)
  • 1
    @rula hey there, cutie
  • 5
    @rula you will regret this xD
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    @mvalentin well i just want to say hello to @rula . We all know dev to dev relationship wont work LOL.
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    To have a developer girlfriend*
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    I think the hardest part on finding a partner is the decision you have to make if the partner you get to know is the right one and doesn't have big hidden problems or strange secrets or starts to become an asshole or tries to change you for his/her own gain. ;)
    Don't change yourself to somebody you are not, not even for somebody you like or love. It's never going to end well. :)
    Be yourself! If your partner doesn't like you that way, the relationship does obviously not make sense.
    If you like someone, show interest, but not creepy interest.
    And most importantly: If you don't love yourself how you are, you will not be able to commit to a longterm relationship! Don't try to find happiness in others, we all have to make ourselfs happy. If you rely on others to get your happiness, something is wrong with you and will kill a relationship.
    The End. ;)
  • 1
    Btw: Finding a partner has never anything to do with your appearance on the outside. It's how you are and how you treat people.

    I know people who have no arms, are fat, have skin problems, are blind, sit in a wheelchair, are attached to machines in a hospital or are uber nerds, and all of them found a partner. So it's never about your beauty or visible appearance.
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    Hey @gnaaah ✋✋
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    @fun2code absolutely, but I guess you don't want such a girl. ;)
    And there are lots of guys like that too ;)
  • 0
    @rula Well, there you have some interested devs 😄
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