So I leave about 300 GB of files to transfer overnight. Come back in the morning and the entire fucking transfer has been paused because there was one duplicate file and it wanted to know whether to replace it or not. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST KEEP TRANSFERRING THE REST OF THE FILES?

  • 6
    I will confess to having had full rage mode because of this in the past. I *think* Windows has changed this recently to queue conflicts/issues until the end, though.
  • 1
    @CrankyOldDev wouldn't really matter as this was on a Linux machine. 🙃
  • 1
    @Mephenor I was using Filezilla to copy some files from a FTP server.
  • 4
    @KylePiira FTP should die in a fire while needles are being inserted under its nails.

    Rsync is great for syncing sets of files which change often, on either side. For transferring large static directories, I also often use bittorrent with a locally hosted private tracker — torrents have so many great features for reliably transferring and verifying data.
  • 1
    Aah FTP. Because for as long as I can remember it most dm will queue conflicts.
  • 1
    @KylePiira Yeah, I knew it was a problem nearly everywhere that allowed copying but my comment was sort of that Windows realised and tried to fix it.
  • 1
    @CrankyOldDev good old windows, always trying to be helpful. 😀
  • 0
    @ClemFrieckie Yeah I know I changed it after this incident.
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