
Really annoyed by the endless tabs vs spaces discussion.
From now on, I use 4 tabs as indentation.

  • 1
    Cool!! How many spaces = 1 tab ?
  • 5
  • 0
    @sam9669 didn't see that coming!! 😁
  • 9
    This could all be cleared up if the spaces people just admitted they've been idiots and we could move on to shaming people who prefer Windows over Linux/Mac.
  • 2
    :set TS=4
  • 8
    You people still live in the stone age!! Use page break 😒
  • 3
    I use tabs, but 1 tab == 2spaces 😀
  • 2
    Just indent with semicolons
  • 0
    What if i set the tab to be == one space
  • 1
    soft tabs>hard tabs
  • 4
    @Ratwerks I like your suggestion, but you made a typo, tabs is not spelled spaces
  • 0
    @gitpush damnit, I came here to say this xD
  • 3
    @Ratwerks it's weird, right? How come all standards in PHP, Python, and basically everything else use spaces instead of tabs? And they are even getting paid 10% more according to a Stackoverflow survey.
  • 0

    i dint realize there was difference in the pay check
  • 2
    @Ratwerks i prefer windows over mac anyday but i do prefer linux over windows.
  • 0
    @bondman Linux > Mac >>>> Windows.

    Unix CLI & POSIX <3
  • 1
    @RTRMS Found the JS dev.

    I personally use 3 spaces for indentation, a 0x0007 (beep sound) at the end of each line as a nice special effect, and a unicode record separator 0x001E between functions.

    I'm actually not kidding about the 3 spaces — large Haskell project I contribute to uses that (together with standard alignment indentations), and it's good practice to adjust to the existing code & team... while I wouldn't pick it for a fresh project myself, I actually like it... it's nicer on the eyes than 2 or 4.
  • 0
    @bittersweet and that's why tabs should be the way to go. Going from 4 to 3, from 2 to 3, or whatever else, wouldn't require one to commit a change where all of the file's lines were modified and to fuck up every possible diff made in the future.
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