I did my portfolio website as part of a college project. I had it posted when i finished it to a local fb page where around 200 people commented on it to say how they like it. A lot of them liked the website while most of them had CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM to share (this is important). After i fixed what people didint like i posted the website to css awards and since then i had two site of the day awwards on different websites and some other features or smaller awwards. I was happy as I thought this was the best project i did so far (in frontend). I got the highest grade for it too.

Now for the rant part. Yesterday i ran into the proffessor that is in charge of the degree orientation I am on. He started to call me out and shit on that project basicly saying it was shit. No reason why or any constructive critisism. I felt such fuking anger. Im all for critisism as long people state their opinions in a way that they prove why something is bad. But this was just disgusting. Well fuck me

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    Try to not let it get into you head. *You* feel your project is good, and a whole lot of people agreed online, so your professor's opinion means little until he can justify it unemotionally.
    Maybe he was just having a bad day and took it out on you project (in which case he should be introduced to devRant ^_^), but don't let it rob you of your feeling of accomplishment.
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    @Shodan Yeah I agree with you and I try not to let it bother me but its not so much that he said all that shit about my project, its more that i hate when people who should be able to, and are paid to give competent explanations and advice do the exact opposite and in a very meen way.
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