Wish I had seen this one before I cursed Math.random too much!

  • 2
    Happens every fucking time 😒
  • 1
    This brings me to a question. Imagine we throw a dice. Five. We throw it again. Five. And again. Five. And so on.

    At what point can we consider it's not random anymore, and that the dice is loaded (not sure about the right word, in french we say "pipé", meaning it will always give the same result)
  • 1
    @Byscripts Ideally, never!
  • 2
    Showed a muggle this and he laughed. I feel like there's hope now.
  • 0
    @chadd17 I think we'll be able to come out in the open soon then! Lol.
  • 1
    @null-pointer Yes, sure. But imagine "you" (as a lambda person). If you throw a dice 10 times, with same result, you are ok to say that you'll probably think the dice is loaded, no? 😄

    After 2 throws ? Probably not. 4 throws ? Hum... it'll begin to get into your mind.

    5... probably much more doubtful

    6... "Ow fuck, how is this possible? Is the dice cheated?"

    7... "Well, ok, I'm sure the dice is cheated!... hmm... maybe I'll throw it just last one time... to be sure"

  • 1
    @Byscripts But that one single time when it "surprises" you with a random output even after a 100 suspiciously rigged outcomes, you can do nothing but - believe.
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