In my opinion
php is shit
js is shit

now what we have with babel-preset-php is converting shit to shit. it's a fucking shit storm.


  • 3
    What would you use for webdevelopment then my dear sir?
  • 5
    JS itself is a fantastic language, people are frequently unhappy with how the community use it (i.e. Building too many libraries / frameworks), big difference between the two.
  • 1
    If that takes off, I'm going to quit web development and become a monk.
  • 2
    @japsel You can make a web server with about any programming language you want. You don't even need Apache or Nginx. Simple Java sockets would be completly sufficient. But you can also use Python, with e.g. Django if you want to. You don't always have to use the mainstream shit which everybody else uses, many commits often lead to much shitty bad code (see WordPress, Windows, Drupal, unfortunately there are so many examples).
  • 1
    @Gatgeagent ah yes the first thing I look for when choosing a tech ... whether or not it's too mainstream
  • 1
    Don't get me wrong, I actually use node/js/php, because that's what other people/companies use.

    Personally I prefer functional programming which in that regards js is pretty nice. It is like lisp in c clothing. Though I like strong types where there is an automatic check as well as goos for the reader to understand what a datastructurs are being used and what functions take in. For that I use flow

    Elm looks pretty cool, have playes around with it on personal projects.

    In terms of server, have used go and it's interesting but not quite to my taste. Have also come accross nim-lang which I have started to like, great macro system meaning I could add syntax I like.

    Also there are plenty of transpilers which generate js for almost all the languages I know ...
  • 1
    Show the skill, code webapps in assembly!
  • 1
    @mt3o …and run it on a virtualized CPU implemented in JavaScript. 😂
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