FR rant
Warning : Do not use devRant in the lavatory, especially the shower.

So i was browsing devRant in the lavatory like a normal human being (?) and saw a post super funny, laughed so hard, and dropped the phone. Now the bottom left of my phone doesnt work.

So i was browsing devRant in the lavatory like a normal human being (?), went inside a shower without noticing that i went into the shower, turned on the faucet without noticing that i turned in the faucet, and i was attacked by fierce water with the pressure level 10 (10 is the max). Then i found out my favorite snoopy t shirt, which i wore just before coming into the lavatory, is wet. Completely. And water is dripping from my phone's charging port, but works flawlessly for 5 days.

So i was browsing devRant in the lavatory like a normal human being (?), writing this rant, and just because i feel tired, i moved a little bit and got my bottoms all wet which feels so bad...

So the final thing i would like to say is a feature request. Please check whether the user is in the shower or not. Lavatory is fine. But shower is not. You can use thr data retrieved from thw humidity sensor.

List of phones with humidity sensor : https://phonegg.com/list/...

Android sensor reference docs : https://developer.android.com/guide...

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