
You can't call me a "nut job" on Lync then five minutes later dump your fucking work experience kid on me so that I can "tell him what to type" and "let him do some of the work". I'm a paid technical intern, not your fucking babysitter, so maybe you should pay your own kid attention rather than let somebody else to do it to make you feel superior.

You know fuck all and have needed my help numerous times, and been sheepish every time I've known something you don't. If I helped you with something, say thank you and don't act like my presence perpetually pisses you off. Sit down and show me some respect, as I always have to you, or I'll report you to HR for being a demeaning twat. Your call.

Or perhaps I could have a word with the new Director you've been arse-licking. I'm sure he'd love to hear that you have been treating like shit the one guy who can save you from the shit show of having no idea how to do the task you've been set.

I know I'm an intern but come on, I could take your job tomorrow if I didn't have a degree to go back to. If you keep being a shit to people then one day I will actually do it!

  • 1
    Good rant, welcome friend!
  • 1
    @nblackburn thank you! Definitely helped me to get some frustration off my chest lol
  • 1
    Here's for the hope that it'll get better *hug*
  • 0
    @siksik appreciated! Just hate people who think interns can't do shit. I think it's probably an issue with any consultancy-based firms: you don't get work because companies don't want to pay an hourly rate and get an intern on their case. Ah well, such is life.
  • 1
    @angery my experience there (or rather, as a junior) was more based on senior staff believe new people have no idea whatsoever. Just bear with it for a couple of years, it feels good when people subddenly start noticing you actually have some brains but they never stopped a second to see it.
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