
For whatever ungodly reason my containers library, which has extensive testing, profiling, and benchmarks against other containers libraries receives regular emails directed towards me about it, always one of two things

1) "don't reinvent the wheel" I have to assume these people haven't looked at the performance characteristics or features at all. I didn't waste away weeks of my life. I needed something and couldn't find it anywhere. I'm outperforming many crap implementations by nearly an order of magnitude, and can offer queries upon the containers in both generalized and specialized forms. As an analogy, I made airless 3d printed wheels, and people are regularly telling me I should still be using ancient wooden spoke wheels; they probably would argue in favor of using a horse drawn carriage as well. How is it possible technically minded people can also be so anti-progress?

2) "Please rewrite this in X language." You know what? YOU rewrite it. I chose what I did because it made it easy to do what I needed to do. Hilariously, the languages I get asked to use most often, are the same who's containers libraries perform worst in the benchmarks.

Both sound like half baked developers trying to sound superior. Pull your head out of your ass and actually outperform me and others. I'm so fucking sick of this "all talk no action" bullshit.

  • 1
    That sounds... Impressive.
    Would you mind telling me which language the library is implemented and its name? I'm really curious now honestly.
  • 0
    @jschmold Containers as in dynamic data types. Not the half baked crap that is Linux Containers. Use Solaris Zones or BSD Jails.
  • 1
    @DelError Yes I would. I intend to say a lot of controversial and career destroying shit on this site. I'm keeping who I am private in the strictest sense.
  • 0
    @jschmold Ada > Rust
  • 0
    @jschmold Hardly. Anyone who says that is only looking at open source use of it. Still one of the main languages in aerospace, astrospace, trains, and heavy industry.
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