I just downloaded a bunch of code editors. Ive been using VSC for a long time, and im looking if I should switch. Which one are you using, and why? 😊

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    I use mostly IDEs but VS Code and Atom are the best text editors.
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    Recently I started to use WebStorm and RubyMine, because I still have the student discount and I said why not. But before those 2 I used Atom.

    Is ok, you have lots of packages and you can customize how much you want. Also their updates are really ok (features and performance).
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    @crisfast Absolutely same, jetBrains are the best.
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    @crisfast @just-basic-user Thanks for the feedback! 😄 What do you think of CoffeeCup? I'm thinking of getting it, but im not quite sure.
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    @marjanovicsteva If their is a trial download it and test it but if there’s no trial then download pirated version and if you like it buy it if not just delete it. I looked it up and it looks good.
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    If you are on linux install ubuntu-make and go for intellij idea ultimate! Best thing for any dev
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    Yoy cant go wrong with webstorm (or most of the other stuff from jetbrains).

    As a text editor, sublime should be good enough. Atom feels like an overkill
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    Would you like to talk about our lord and saviour vim?
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    I still love netbeans myself!
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    Sublime and vim

    Sublime because it's ridiculously fast, quite nice, add honestly it's what I'm used to.

    vim because it's available everywhere.
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    @wolfium I have Ubuntu. What's Ubuntu-make?
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    @boom ill try them. Thanks! ☺
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    @dontPanic i have it, but i still haven't used it much. But everyone's praising it, so im sure it's great. I'll give it a shot these days
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    @kaqqao sorry...
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    @linuxxx hmm never heard about it 🤔 ill look it up
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    @marjanovicsteva I recommend that you go through a thing called vimtutor. It's a text file for learning basic vim shortcuts
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    @dontPanic i will thanks. Im just having problems with vim on ubuntu. I dont know how to open it 😐
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    @marjanovicsteva terminal -> "vim" -> enter press doesn't work?
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    @linuxxx oooh I was supposed to access it through terminal? I tried to look through vim folder in file explorer to find an executable alternative.... Please don't hate, im new to all this
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    @marjanovicsteva That's fine! @jpichardo might be able to help out/give some tips! And yeah, it's a terminal editor :)
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    @marjanovicsteva yeah vim is full terminal, unless you are using gvim, and yeah I can help
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    @jpichardo @linuxxx thanks a lot, really! I'll make sure to ask if I get stuck with it 😄
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