I'm creating a little web application and I was considering using Bootstrap to make my site flexible in terms of formatting on different devices. Also some of the built in functionality seems convenient (I am doing the back-end as well and front-end is consuming a lot of time) and easier to apply. Does anyone protest the use of Bootstrap for any reason? If so why?

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    bootstrap does it’s job, if you want something quick and easy that will normally conform to multi device layout unless your getting too creative.

    just keep in mind it comes with a lot of overhead and features you wouldn’t end up using.
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    @C0D4 honestly, my application is very small (only 4 tabs in sites header including logout) and I would be happy with just using a library that formats the html for many devices. Do you know of any lightweight libraries or frameworks that do this?
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    @dalastTomCruise check out Pure.css
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    @dalastTomCruise You can download a stripped down version of Bootstrap if you just need the grid system. I remember there being a list of features you could select or deselect before you downloaded it. Couldn't find the link right now, but you should be able to find it by googling a bit.
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    it’s under customise.

    otherwise if you only want a grid system look at 960.gs
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    @C0D4 I will definitely have a look at it later today. Thanks for taking the time to find it
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