
My Dell PC decided to show "Unrecognized AC adaptor" error on startup.

Spent 4 hours trying to find a solution and almost declared as dead the AC cable even if current was still flowing kind of fine.

Suddenly it starts working again with nothing changed.

Dell, you just lost a possible customer.

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    Happened ome or two times on my laptop. Probably some issues with how i plugged it in or voltage fluctuations. Not a big deal
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    @HoloDreamer Yea it seems fixed now. It's quite annoying that I lost an entire afternoon to try and understand why. It's quite common too. Oh well, I'll just live with it.
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    That seems kinda fishy to me. If on the one hand they built this in to make sure the AC is the correct voltage/current then ok that's fine (and helpful), but if on the other hand they did this to try and coerce you into buying "official" Dell AC adapters, that I'm not cool with.
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    @devios1 Many others feel the latter is the correct option. Since their adapter is around 50 euros for me (Italy) it seems rather fishy, yes.
    All in all, I hope it will not come back. Next PC will definitely not be a Dell.
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