No words to say... The pic says it all...

  • 6
    Not really, a developer, not even a full-stack developer (which is probably better than coder-developer comparison) would match the top green thing on the carrot to a designer.
  • 1
    I would not agree with the image
  • 2
    I'm coder, she's my designer

    together we are game developers :D
  • 6
    And the client will shit on those carrots and demand a new one for 0.0000 $$$$
  • 0
    That's why you have Technical Designers these days
  • 0
    And the engieer / team leader has a beach house
  • 1
    Ah, but if you actually knew anything about design, you'd fucking put the bloody carrot underground and it wouldn't be overly pixelated!
  • 0
    I thought that was a repost but damn that was unexpected
  • 0
    I don't understand the difference between the coder and the developer in the image.
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