
08.08.2017 Changelog award is going to...

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    @runfrodorun Welcome to Google: Your shopping preferences are on the left, the hidden stuff you didn't know we collected are on the right
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    Is that month, then date, or the other way around?
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    I'm not sure about this release notes thing: it seems redundant to write down everything that was fixed at least for bugs. User will recognize that things are fixed. Features or improvements should be announced, because how shall the user that there is new functionality, probably hidden in a rarely used part of the application.
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    @demiko or that's how it's written I their country... :p
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    @demiko and the Ukraine doesn't have moronic rules/laws :|
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    @demiko Well in Poland we're typing date first, It IS MORE LOGICAL
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    @demiko Whoops, instead of day I've sent date (autocorrect).

    Anyway, I don't get why people are typing month first
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