
Anyone ever wondered how hard it is to fill feedbacks and performance growth of your own, which the manager will be evaluating..
The situation is so ironic.. u want to write the best about you, but don't want to look like bragging abt yourself in the same time..

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    It's hard but at the end of the day you're A commodity, well yourself for as much as you can!
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    that's part of the eval test and useful skill on its own, to be able to judge yourself in a balanced way.
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    Just put excellent for the things human resources likes to see and needs improvement for things you want training on

    Appearance: fully complies with company dress standards

    Communication: always communicates all required information in a timely manner

    Teamwork: works well with other team members, feels like we are a family

    Business alignment: full understanding of our company values, standards and processes. Thorough knowledge of our industry and client needs.

    Career development: needs training to stay up to date with new technologies
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    @spacem that's really nice reply.. thanks for it..
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