
Today I managed to break two things:
1. An MSI Radeon R9 390 (GPU)
2. A motherboard.

Fml.. 😔 🔫

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    how, though?
  • 4
    @404response I fucked up some bios settings and had to reset the CMOS, my motherboard doesn't have a jumper so I tried to pull the battery, the whole battery holder came with it. And as for the GPU, I think it burnt itself, there are burn-like marks on it.

    But on the bright side, I got Antergos up and running now 😁
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    Ouch bro. You do graphic intensive work?
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    @Telescuffle No, unless gaming counts.
  • 0
    Well, now you have the perfect opportunity to ditch crappy AMD for nVidia!
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    @Ashkin I have no choice, you simply can not buy a AMD card right now. And I'm using my old gtx 650 2gb now. So yeah, Nvidia it is.
  • 1
    @olback nVidia 💜
    ... just not on Linux.
  • 1
    @Ashkin Running my GTX 650 on Linux with Wayland, no problem. Yeah I was surprised as well.
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    Oh, lucky me, only broke my mainboard ;/
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