Although I am a huge fan of stack overflow, I am sick and tired of them always blocking me to ask new questions. I feel like I should start asking questions on Devrant.

  • 0
    Honestly, most of your questions on SO could easily be resolved by using Google. At least the ones I have seen.
  • 1
    @3141 i havent seen any of OPs questions on SO.

    But I do agree with OP that SO is more toxic then needed. Compared to other stackenxchanges (rpg, askubuntu) it's literally hell. RPG stackexchange is so nice. The first question I asked there was about an English word I didnt understand. Guess who got 20 upvotes...
  • 0
    I don't have time for putting up with the concentrated mass of neckbeard hair that is "engaging with the SO community"

    Please do continue to contribute, those inclusive few among us. your efforts are appreciated through lurking
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