I really want to use gnome but I cannot deal with non global app menus and the extension does not cover all applications.

Idk why I'm ocd about appmenus, never even owned a Mac but global menus are just a super design.

XFCE it is... Would use cinnamon but I'm not running mint and I always break it in another distro.

What do you guys think about appmenus? I know in Windows it is what it is, but I can deal there.

  • 0
    How about Mate?
  • 0
    Which distro are you using? I find that the default Cinnamon setups in Korora (Fedora based) and Antergos (Arch based) are great without any additional ricing.
  • 0
    @cpp0xc0ffeeee I've thought about it, used to Love gnome 2. Not sure the resources differences between MATE and XFCE, but when it comes down to it XFCE is classic and honestly cinnamon is practically just a modern GTK3 rip off. And I like cinnamon, therefore XFCE.
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    @RiderExMachina I like your terminology lol, Manjaro. Granted just because I've broken it on my system more than a few times doesn't make for a decent argument. Cinnamon + Mint is just pure and that can be argued haha
  • 0
    Global Menus are just zen.
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