What's actually the case ??

Some PPL say that if u want to be a great developer you should start using Linux immediately. Why is it like that 🙄

  • 7
    It's not the case but a lot of people find Linux better optimized for coding since you can do whatever you imagine with it
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    @kp15 yea that's also very true
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    Yeah that is what ppl say like I can do anything in Linux what is that anything that can't be done in windows but can be done on linux @dontPanic
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    Agreed with @kp15. To answer the question, Linux comes with a bunch of features a lot of devs really like. For instance, with one command (apt-get install), you can have an apache server up and running. That's very fast compared to hunting down exe's on the internet. That's not the only example, nor a bulletproof one, but it gives you a reason why so many devs are crazy for Linux. It's built with them in mind and can be tailored to be even more so. But it takes work and patience.
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    Whats an Apache server @chadd17
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    @engrravijain It's a website server. Very common. Basically, you just put all your html files in a certain directory (/var/www on linux, which makes sense) and the server lets people visit the computer through a browser and see those files served. Like a website. Actually, it is a website.
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    @kp15 I understand and respect that. Some won't.
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    Whats the command for setting that up @chadd17
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    sudo apt-get install apache2
    i guess you might use yum instead of apt-get depending on your distro.
    You can check if it worked by visiting http://localhost/ or in your browser. The rest is for you to Google.
    On windows you could try downloading xampp
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    Currently I am using Ubuntu(gnome) I think `apt-get` would do
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    people who say you need linux for programming usually arent very good programmers
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    I have no idea why that would be the case. It greatly depends on what you're programming. Pre-.NET Core, the idea of developing anything Microsoft related on not Windows was bonkers. But now, IDEs come for almost all environments and you can usually find some sort of appropriate server or runtime environment.

    I only started using Linux for dev just under 2 years ago because my company mandated it. But I'm now back to Mac and it is glorious.
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    Using linux (or any other Unix like OS) encourages you to work with console, learn tools you use, learn how they can interoperate, and take responsibility for what you do. As effect, you change your mind state from 'magic box' to 'i can dismantle everything and learn how it works'.

    For example, having gigabytes of log files, I can't imagine using only windows included tools to work with those logs. However, head/tail, grep, cut, wc, sed, and few other tools allow you to do everything you need to get through the logs quickly and efficiently.

    Lets learn using Git only in GUI. In any more complex case​ you will fail. Knowing command line and that each command has its own help, you can work more efficiently.

    Using linux helps you to learn better work philosophy.
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    @chadd17 the same can be done using command line in windows these days..
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    @mt3o same can be done using few powershell commands
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    @mohit-goyal still no decent package management, not to mention dll-hell.
    Powershelf itself ias rather comparable to, i don't know, like:
    Microsoft lookd at bash and thought 'this one looks nice! I want to have one too!' so it matched c# with perl. End there goes powershell.

    Look at its history to know its a bastard, ugly cousin of many many technologies and tools.
    On the other hand, sh and further bash, csh, fish and zsh and other, they share similar philosophy and same commands. They have much longer history. There were much better designed. Like the whole system.
    Please tell how should I find all xml files in 2 dir depth (but no more than
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    3) having valid path root/state/success nodes inside and count those xml's. With bash it's a simple oneliner.
    On windows I just have no idea how to tackle this.
    Or how to get system log to know who tries to connect to us using smb. Or how to setup a command to run periodically. Or how to disable so called fast-startup. Or how to elevate permissions for next command in single console window (not by starting another one). Or how to dump drive to separate file like with using 'dd' :D
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    Well, it depends what you're coding. If you use PHP, HTML or JS, it doesn't really matter.
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    Having an OS built from the ground up with powerful console interaction in mind makes for a good dev environment. That said, committing to Linux means that you will spend more time getting stuff right on your own at times.

    But first and foremost, use what you think is best for you. The competence of a developer shouldn't be affected by what OS he/she prefers to be in.
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    @daegontaven p sure he codes using pecks of dark matter only
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    They say that because they have no clue what they are talking about.
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    WAMP isn't os-ist, use whatever you prefer :)
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    It depends on what type of programming you do. Linux has an excellent set of development tools (the gcc complier is one of the most popular c/c++ compilers out there) and since most servers run Linux it makes sense for developers to use it for web development. That said you most of this stuff is available on Windows as well but they come off as clunky because of the different design methodology of Linux and Windows
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    @mt3o Done most of these things in command line in windows. If you don't have an idea, it does not make an OS bad. You need to get trained on it like you did on Linux. And just to be clear, I also work on Linux. Each has its own set of merit. The thing which matters is what tools you want to use and where they reside. From the technology advancements I am observing, OS is going to be irrelevant in few years even for regular users.
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    @mohit-goyal you did most things I mentioned, but most of them require using good cli toolkit. Which means - cygwin or powershell while on windows. So what you wrote - has rather faulty background. Despite that I agree that when you are skilled at using this or that OS you'll be able do whatever you want.

    On the other hand we are taking about being a developer not sysadmin ;-)
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    @mt3o yeah.. I'm a sysadmin cum developer. I know how to code but being sysadmin is my primary job.
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    Erm, did you say 'cum'?
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    @mt3o it's typo..sorry.. what's equivalent of sysadmin+partial developer
  • 1
    I think they are called DevOps engineers
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