So yeah, the name change is done. Me making a joke out of being called a code slut clearly backfired and people just started calling me a slut or inferring I was a slut or something unsavory because of an online username. Lesson learned. A few lessons, in fact.

Anyway thanks for allowing the name change @dfox and @trogus. Now, back to ranting.

  • 1
    How to change the name?
  • 2
    @Dhavalsoni you can change your username in the settings. But beware, you can only change it every 6 months. You'll be stuck with whatever you change it to for a while
  • 5
    Being a slut is awesome too, who fucking cares how much sex someone else has.
    I'd like to point attention to Sav Browns "hi I am a slut" video
  • 20
    I saw you thinking of quitting so I pressured him into it :)
  • 4
    @trogus thank you ❤️
  • 5
    @JonnyCodewalker the queen is far from dead 😉
  • 3
    I didn't even know you were having issues with your old name, sorry to hear about that. MissDirection is pretty dope too though!
  • 6
    @KidLaser thanks. This was my original name until the dude called me a code slut. Hence the name change as a joke. But some people decided to be shitty over it. But it's done and over with now.
  • 8
    @MissDirection I heard that you and @QueenMorgana & @Linuxxx(my senpai) along with a few others are part of some Royal Family of DevRantia or something like that lol. Well I already devoted myself as @Linuxxx's #1 fan and vowed to have his back in any disputes/flame wars...Well anyways I've come to find that all of you cats are cool as hell and just know that if I see shit going downhill with any of you and some random butt-dumpling I'm prepared to put some fools on blast!

    To make someone want to change their username due to some childish bs...the fuck is that!?
  • 7
    @KidLaser the royalty stuff is all in good fun, but don't forget the awesome @AlexDeLarge in your list. 🙂

    @Linuxxx is a sweetheart and @QueenMorgana is fabulous and my idol ❤️

    As for the bullshit leading to the name change? Well, it's over now so don't worry about it.
  • 3
    @MissDirection I'm not too familiar with @AlexDeLarge, but will do haha he seems pretty awesome too by the way lol just as angry as the rest of 'em.

    ...And if you ever do find yourself needing some back up by any chance just tag me in @KidLaser chica, I'm always ready to strike!
  • 2
    @KidLaser thanks! 😍
  • 2
    for what it's worth (coming from a proud life long social-norms-averse) I thought the joke-name was badass.
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    @JonnyCodewalker not all of us are ;)
  • 2
    @KidLaser I like the term butt-dumpling. I will remember that and use it when appropriate
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    @QueenMorgana 😆 I really hope you do!
  • 1
    Sorry people had to be like that @MissDirection
  • 1
    Long live the queen! though I like this name more lol
  • 0
    I wonder if there is a @misterY on devrant...

    And royalty is alright. As long as I get a dutchy I will support the throne.

  • 1
    @MissDirection welcome back I guess (:
  • 4
    Heh, hypocrites.

    We play around with the fresh young hip technology, because we can't handle the tease. We abuse the dirty stuff older languages have taught us, because we secretly enjoy it.

    When it comes to code, we're all sluts.
  • 3
    @bittersweet im not a codeslut. I am a code whore.
  • 4
    @moortuvivens I prefer getting paid as well, but I save the naughtiest stuff for my private development orgies.
  • 1
    I WAS just gonna press "F" and pay my respects, but I don't think I will now...
  • 1
    What a shame :( at least you will still break balls :D
  • 2
    @runfrodorun had to check it now to. Did you also click the website link in her profile?
  • 3
    @Wack was waiting for someone to click it.
  • 1
    @runfrodorun lmao
  • 1
    @MissDirection I may or may not have sent their products to people.
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana Yeah me too/neither.
  • 1
    @MissDirection i just knew it would be a bag of dicks....
  • 1
    @runfrodorun was expecting a rick rolled video.
  • 3
    Well.. one of my friends did mentioned me about you getting back your username @MissDirection before the 6 months locked duration. Came across this rant today only.
    I don't know how old you are, or still studying or working.. but in future, don't worry what folks say or shout or tease.. haters gonna hate anyway.
    I do feel bad whoever did so to you. But, reading this rant and other rants, you are definitely an elite member of DevRant and I don't think anyone else will want to face one of the elite members without getting any consequences.
    I am pretty new here, but do count me in if any support required for not only you, but also for anyone else you have observed getting harassed. Let's make this community a wonderful place.
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    @github thank you. I feel the same way about this place. We need to make it good for everyone. I just let some keyboard warriors get to me, which is my own fault. Especially since if it were in person, I'd reduce the fuckers to tears. I am a relentless twat when I want to be. 😉
  • 4
    @runfrodorun well I only do that to people when they are shitty to me. Otherwise I'm pretty chill.
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