
Fuck you dickhead. If you don't like how I'm doing things, just fucking do them yourself. Or how about you give me some specifications, designs, a consistent database model? No? Fine, then don't fucking complain when I make do with what I have.

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    Actually, he is right. If you implement something without specifications, then he can say "that's wrong" in any moment.

    I can understand your rage, but this is actually more you fault rather than his. Next time, do nothing until he gives you specifications. If he signs for a "red label", he will pay for the red label, and if he wants to change it to green, well, then it will be his problem and he will pay for it.
    (I made the same mistake too..)
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    @jAsE in our enterprise we do things this way and we don't have problems.

    Obviously, it is necessary that someone talks with the clients to understand their needs. Then it is possible to write the specifications and make a small prototype, to see of the client agrees. If he accepts amd signs, then it will be its problem.
    What I said about the color of label was just an example, we are not this strict. But if I client comes back saying "I want something totally different", we are protected.
    And guess what? With a good analysis it is quite impossible to face this kind of problems.

    Of course, you are free to work without specifications and without analysis, but at least don't blame the client... :)
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    I find this tends to happen when working with people who believe they have insight into what you.

    Its ok to ask me for a thing. But its not bloody ok to ask for a thing and then say you want it done a specific way.

    I can ask Amazon for a server. But I can't ask that it be cooled with special virgin water.
  • 1
    @kunashe you are partially right.
    You can go to a carpenter and ask "a table", or a "round table", or a "200 x 100cm, 84cm height, pine wood table".

    If you ask "a table", you can receive anything, but you can still refuse.
    If you go as specific as possible, then it will be harder for the carpenter to not satisfy your desires.

    It is all about specifications. Who works without them will always more exposed to this kind of problems.
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