
Hello, world!

Soo.. I am half way done with Pre-Release 10!

However.. The update log is already as long as the full update log for the last update.. Which was twice as long as the log for the update before..

I'm Starting to notice a pattern.. XD

This is all good and well, but I feel as if I'm overworking myself. I'm getting stressed out, and I'm not spending near as much time with my girlfriend. 3: But, I'm having fun. I'm genuinely enjoying myself, and I'm making a ton of progress in such a short amount of time. I also have a new team member!

Idk.. I haven't done anything the past two days really. Work nor spending time with my girlfriend. I'm stressed, and I'm not sure what I should do. I'm sooper modivated to keep working, but I feel that my situation will only get worse.


Because I'm sure some of you will be interested ('cause my game is very popular in this community <3), here is the update list so-far. Do note that this is not the final list, and things will be added, and may be removed.

As you can see below, this update is mostly focussed around API's. Specifically Modding, and the new FileSystem. On top of this, I will *try* and tinker with the official Patreon API for Java and see if I can't intergrate that into my game. I'll also work on a ModManager, but I'm not sure if either of these will make it into this release. I also have plans for new Apps and Commands for this release, as well as working and polishing up existing Apps and Commands.


* Closing the game with X button (and other ways) now also calls preExitTasks()
+ Added AddonLoader. It's literally a Mod-Loader. (Your welcome :3) A tutorial coming soon, but just know that it's standard Java codeing and you simply need to drop the mod.jar into the game's addons/ directory.
++ Added "API" - This is a bunch of methods that are added for the Mods to use. These Methods likely wouldn't of been added othewise.
+ Added in-game FileSystems (Folder, files..)
++ Added FileNavigator API for traversing the in-game FileSystems
* Fixed a major bug with the "debug" command where you could no longer run any commands after enabling debug mode.
+ Added GameSave creation
+ Added System creation
+ New Save + localsystem are generated on startup
++ Added WindowBuilder API for creating Apps. This makes creating Apps much, much simpler, and is intended for not only us, but use in Mods.
* We re-wrote the Console Class from scratch, and turned it into an API for creating custom Terminal Apps. (Commands are now created using the Command Class and are then passed to Console and registered as either a Local or Global command)
++ Added Command API for creating commands. These commands execute Java code, much like a JavaFX Button would, on each call. You also get everything after the first [space] of the command that was passed, as a String.
* Re-wrote ALL previously implimented Apps.
* Re-wrote ALL previously implimented Commands.
+ Added "debugtest" command to test debug mode. (This just prints a totally boring random message, and you shouldn't try it.) [Note: This "command will not exist" when debug mode is false.]
+ Added "cd" command. ("cd ~" "cd .." "cd /home/folder" "cd etc" "cd /")
+ Added "cat" command. ("cat file" "cat /folder/file")
+ Added "mkdir" command.
+ Added "rm" command.
+ Added "dir" command.

If you're new and you have no clue what I'm talking about, here's the info page: https://trello.com/b/0bH2SjQf

  • 1
    @fun2code I'm not even in Alpha yet IMO. I'm in the Pre-Alpha.
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