
Git questions: If several people have merged different features into a release branch but then some need to be "undone" how do you do it? I guess the merge/pull? Without being everything else?

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    I see there's a revert. So if I start by merging a pull request but then need to taje that feature out.

    I can just revert the merge?
    And when I need to put it back in, revert the revert?
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    Maybe Git Cherry Pick helps?

    Understanding Git Cherry-pick: How to Use | Codementor
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    @heyheni hm not sure... Seemed it's not for saving useful code from a branch before deleting the branch, not removing specific commits from a branch
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    @JohnnyMuen ouch... so I can't just unmerge the 1 commit that merged that particular change into the release branch?
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    @JohnnyMuen I already did that tho... But couldn't find an answer so figured I'd asked the most git-ty? community I know...
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