Which php framework is worth getting into? Laravel seems to have most market or should I go with CakePHP or even something else? any info is appreciated (how are the docs, is it hard to find solutions, how is the error handler, how hard is it to learn etc), I am sure people around here have used a good amount of them and can tell their rage or good things about it. 😳

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    Question is for what you wanna use it :)

    Why dont you choose a javascript framework?
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    I have got some experience with laravel, seems like a great way to go. Good docs, community, a lot of out of the box shit. And i found it quite easy to learn.
  • 6
    Breakdown of the frameworks I know:

    Zend 1: Old but robust wouldn't use because not modern enough

    Zend2: Too complicated buggy and clunky wouldn't use anymore (I tried)

    Symfony2: enterprise level stuff and foundation of laravel. Would use if I wanted.

    Laravel: At the time of writing the holy grail of phpframeworks

    Codeigniter: never really liked it and in my eyes not comfortable enough to be a framework... but hey it's lightweight

    Eden: i really liked their approach back then, look it up.

    Lumen: slim version of laravel
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    @Data-Bound did you try phalcon?
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    @someDude a yes phalcon. Fast as Fuck but unusable on shared hosts. I also like their approach. For those who don't know: the framework exists In form of a php extension. Initially it was coded in C but they made Zephire which basically transpiles php to C code and rewrote the framework In Zephire. Nice as fuck
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    @Data-Bound i ve been thinking about learning it. How would you compare it to laravel in terms of docs, support, scalability, learnimg curve n shit?
  • 4
    @someDude truthfully: in term of docs, scalability.... or let's say "meta coding" Laravel outclasses everything by far. Speed and stuff of course phalcon takes the cake but unless you want speed over everything Laravel would be your choice.

    Not only are the official docs full of examples and nice explanations but they also got laracasts where let's say "fancier shit" is explained and done.

    Or in short: if you don't have a good reason to not go with laravel, go with laravel. And that's not coming from a fanboy but Laravel has been proven to always be the right choice for me so far
  • 2
    @Data-Bound Amazing answers, thank you!
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