I guess I don't have to say anything 😒
Why even complain about tabs....

  • 0
    Let's go 😁😝 (don't have experience in Python)
  • 4
    You might have reasons to stay on VS Code, but have you tried PyCharm: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/
  • 2
    @Jilano installing now 👍
  • 6
    Python uses spaces by definition, as their syntax is indentation-based. That's why.
  • 2
    Consider this.

    Indentation in python determines what belongs to which scope.

    If you mix spaces and tabs and have two rows after each other.

    One with 4 spaces and one with 2 tabs.

    How should python decide scope?

    Different editors and programmers prefer different visual tab length

    Some use 2 chars and some 4.

    Without enforcing spaces it would make the code hard to read and in an editor that auto converts to spaces could break the code without any visible clue to the developer.
  • 0
    Wingide is super light weight and great for python. :)
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