
About JS WYSIWYG editors.

When you're working on a project that does require a such editor, which solution do you usually chose and why ?

- existing library (which one ?)
- coding your own
- no fancy editor, just markdown
- no fancy editor, just bbcode or equivalent

  • 1
    Search for pelljs. You could use it or create your own based on it, I've done that before and it turned out nice.
  • 2
    Wysiwyg as in text? If so, check out tinymce.
  • 1
    @spongessuck Yeah that kind of WYSIWYG ^^ Actually I used tinymce (or ckeditor) on several projects in the past and that's part of the reasons why I'm asking. These 2 are doing a great job but are still a bit heavy and complex (not difficult but complex ^^) to me, and not so easy to customize or integrate with every project.

    @cowsay I've seen this one already but didn't try it so far. It looks lighter enough, thanks for the advice :)
  • 1
    Tinymce is my goto editor.
    Although it does come with its quirks.
  • 1
    Contenttools is not too bad either
  • 0
    Since drupal implemented CKEditor, we don't use anything else at work.
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