I was told that my granny was having trouble signing into Facebook, so I go to help her and this is what happens.

Me: try and open Facebook.
Granny: *looks confused*
Granny: oh I know!
Granny: *opens up Gmail*
Me: *wtf is she doing?*
Granny: *opens an email from Facebook*
Granny: ok, I'm in Facebook.

Not sure whether to cringe or laugh 😅

  • 10
    Reminds me a lot of my father. He thinks Google is the Internet. He never enters a URL directly, but always via google.

    For example, ebay.
    Google -> Search "www.ebay.com" -> click on the first link.

    That always makes me incredibly upset when I'm sitting next to him.
  • 10
    @tracktraps I once asked some elder people and they mostly said that google is always open and they don't need to remember anything complicated (meaning .com or even the domain for some services) - since then I do understand them. Depending on how old your dad is, that could be a very similar thing.
  • 1
    I don't understand most old people who don't even want understand how these things work. It's not like you become dumber or less receptive to learning the older you get.
  • 2
    @Numinex yeah but for them it's like, they didn't need it. So why bother?
  • 11
    We should prase wiser people for trying...
    - They didn't had internet in their lifes
    - They have more experience in one finger than most of us together
    - They fought wars, tended to the house when there were no washing machines, walked on foot and horse back for most of their life's...

    They don't fuking need internet.... Except for Facebook and ways to be closer to the family, they perfer TV, or a book, or connect with real life friends in person, don't appreciate games, don't need to write word documents (they can still write by hand)...
    Here who remembers time without internet or having access to a computer?
    I didn't had internet till my 15s and was always busy... Playing, running arround...

    And... For people who doesn't understand this basic concepts.. You need help.

    Btw, if you can spend a dull day without technology you have a severe dependency... (I do)
  • 3
    @StefanH @Wack Yeah I guess you're both right. It's still annoying as fuck though.
  • 1
  • 1
    have a cookie 🍪 and some ++
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