Are you able to handle programming while high?

  • 6
    High on what is the question lol
  • 1
    Reading/writing beautiful code *gets* me 'high' - so yes!
  • 3
    There are 3 types of weed: sativa, indica and hybrids. Sativa is relaxing, indica is for creative activities and hybrids are different, but usually somewhere between them.

    There was an article on leafly some time ago if i recall correctly. Google it :)
  • 9
    Program, yes. Program something that makes sense the next day, no.

    I have a theory that this is how Prolog was invented.
  • 2
  • 3
    Yes, but the most of the time it's annoying because I have too much (stupid) ideas while trying to write something useful.
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD Coffee? Weed? Sleep? Alcool? Speed? Coke? Pick the best for you mate πŸ‘Š
  • 3
    I'm actually working everyday high on a mix of coffee and weed πŸ˜„ With the right mix, I can enter in a flow state and work for a couple hours and be as productive as an 8 hours shift 😎
  • 0
    Are you able to get high?
  • 0
    @wxcazee yes πŸ˜„ but I try to never be too high so I cant work. So I never smoke a lot :)
  • 1
    Are you suppose to get high?
  • 0
    @freeme Since I am a business owner and a freelancer, am I forbidden to get high by someone? (Government wont come in my appartment to tell what to do)
  • 1
    Tried it drunk, somehow my commits from my feature branch got teleported to the master repo. At least a colleague helped unfuck my fuckup.
  • 0
    I can't even code straight if I'm soberπŸ˜‚
  • 0
    Bro, you can code not being high?! O.o
  • 0
    I tried once.. had to work so hard to not lose focus. I think I need more practice πŸ˜‰
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